New games area for British retained site in Nicosia

New games area for British retained site in Nicosia

In April, Operation TOSCA, the UK’s contribution to the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus, was awarded £48,040 from the NAAFI Fund to construct a multi-use games area (MUGA) on the British Retained Site in Nicosia.

While situated on the outskirts of Nicosia, the deployed community lives in the United Nations Protected Area and United Nations Buffer Zone and community facilities are limited. The new MUGA will have a positive impact on the morale and welfare of all personnel and their families and greatly enhance their lived experience. 

A 40 x 20 metre field surrounded by 6-metre high fenced sides, the MUGA will have professional grade artificial grass turf and provide an area to play a multitude of sports for Op TOSCA personnel and their families. There are already plans afoot for different sports nights including touch rugby, football, netball, cricket, and yoga evenings.

Local Command Col John Hanson OBE, Comd TOSCA commented: “This investment will provide a centrepiece for the deployed Op TOSCA community, not only underpinning mental health and wellbeing, but engendering teamwork and improving morale. We are extremely grateful to the NAAFI Fund Trust for their generosity and support.”

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