All ranks bar refurbishment in Portsmouth

The Joint Hospital Group South All Ranks bar refurbishment took place between June and October 2022 and utilised over £8,000 of NAAFI funding. The aim was to provide a space with no military influence, offering personnel the chance to be themselves in an away-from-work environment.

Switching off after a hectic shift is crucial for the staff, so a dining area was installed where personnel can eat, work and relax in the evenings whilst watching TV. Staff also now have the option to work in the breakfast bar area which has a television, ample plug sockets and access to the coffee and tea boat – drinking NAAFI tea of course!

The previous lime green walls were refreshed with warm tones of grey and white to brighten up the space, whilst two new indoor plants added a homely feel to the area. Artwork of Portsmouth landmarks offer connection to the beautiful surroundings of the bar.

The first social event after the re-development was for Halloween and included pumpkin carving, a quiz and beer pong, attended by all Ranks and Rates in an attempt to build team cohesion within the unit, outside of work hours.

The bar can also double up as a creche area for parent and baby days that take place once a month for members of the unit on maternity or paternity leave to meet and keep in touch with the unit and others in the same position, enabling parents to connect and know that they have a community in the unit to fall back on should they need support.

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