New paddleboards for Bristol University Royal Naval Unit

During Round 1, funding of £5,000 was granted for seven stand-up-paddle boards and additional equipment for Bristol University Royal Naval Unit. The equipment will be used by serving personnel from Army, Navy and Marines Reserves, along with Sea Cadets, Scouts and numerous affiliate organisations.

First put to the test on the Isle of Wight, over 70 Officer Cadets from URNU’s in Bristol, Wales, Devon and Birmingham joined together for two weeks for some Adventure Training. While paddling along the natural harbour of Newtown creek they witnessed plenty of wildlife, including a family of seals and the endangered Osprey! Beneficial for mind and body, paddle boarding also helps to tackle mental health issues.

Capt. Johnathan Phelps said: “The unique accessible nature of the stand-up-paddle boards has enabled everyone, even those less inclined to get on the water, with the opportunity to experience the calming power of the water, whilst taking in the breath-taking sights that the Isle of Wight has to offer.”

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