NAAFI attends Royal Navy Rugby League Awards

NAAFI is proud to be main sponsor of the Royal Navy Rugby League since October 2022.

John Goddard, Director of Operations and Tim Clark, Royal Navy Operations Manager, had the pleasure of attending the Royal Navy Rugby League Awards and Charity Dinner on 25th March in Portsmouth, presenting two awards on the night.

We awarded the RNRL Presidents Award 2022 to Lieutenant Commander Jason Steele, Head of Team Management & Senior Team Manager, for outstanding performance throughout the season.

We also awarded The Waterhouse Award 2022 to WO(1) Rtd Keith Humpleby, Media and PR Officer for RNRL. This inaugural award was donated by former Chairman Commodore Phil Waterhouse RN in recognition of service to the Royal Navy Rugby League.

Tim Clark said: โ€œMyself and John attended the Royal Navy Rugby League awards evening in Portsmouth. John presented The Waterhouse Award on behalf of NAAFI, an award for outstanding achievements to the RNRL Chairman. As the main sponsors of the team, it was a brilliant evening.โ€

Image credit to Katrina Dimech.

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