Children’s Play Area for The Royal Regiment of Scotland

During Round 3, funding of £6,000 was granted for 4th Battalion, The Royal Regiment of Scotland to provide an area within the camp where families and serving personnel can enjoy quality time together.

The project included the introduction of a cosy cinema room and  soft playroom for children. Both facilities have helped to bring isolated people together in a safe, fun and stimulating environment.

Mrs Forbes said: “This facility has allowed me to come into the camp during my husband’s lunch break to enjoy family time with our toddler, who has developed using the educational computer games. The cinema room provides a space where children can relax to watch a movie.”

Mrs Simpson said: “My husband has served for many years and this is the first facility that I have seen cater for all age groups, from toddlers to young teens. The climbing frame is the perfect activity for the children and the educational computer games have been very beneficial.”


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