Mountain bikes for 350 field squadron

Mountain bikes for 350 field squadron

The NAAFI Fund recently awarded 350 Field Squadron, 101 Engineer Regiment with a grant to purchase eight mountain bikes, complete with stands and accessories.

The Squadron sourced the bikes through a local business. Two different styles were purchased to account for a range of abilities and confidence, including a few 29-inch hardtail mountain bikes for the more experienced riders.

After delays in deliveries and activities due to Covid, the Squadron took the new equipment out for the first time on a flat route at Sherwood Pines near Nottingham and then progressed to the more challenging Cannock Chase in Staffordshire, which featured a lot more climbs and descents.

Sergeant Carl Evans commented: “The new bikes improved the experience for the riders, giving them greater confidence and interest in mountain biking.”

The Squadron plan to get the bikes out again during a visit to Loch Ness.

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