New and improved welfare house for 2 Scots

In August 2022, funding of around £1,000 was approved to improve the quality of living life of soldiers and families by purchasing household items such as bedding, towels and kitchen equipment at Glencorse Estate Welfare House.

There’s nothing better than spending time with your family at the weekend, and this fund project transformed the house into a fully functioning space that offers serving personnel and their loved ones a safe and friendly environment that feels like home.

Project sponsor, Capt Kirk Nicholson, said: “The funding has ensured the welfare house is a comfortable and welcoming home for all service families to utilise. The project has gone a long way to enhance the lives of serving personnel, allowing for much-needed family time over weekends.”

A member of 2 Scots said: “I utilised the welfare house to welcome my wife and children, who live in the south of England, to Scotland to stay for a period. The time spent with family is so valuable and it makes weekends more enjoyable in a secure and comfortable environment.”

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